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Dogs are carnivores that evolved eating raw foods. Commercial foods are generally heat processed which alters or destroys nutrients and essential enzymes, so dog food companies try to add back what they destroyed. They don't always know what's missing and what proportion is best.It's only in the last fifty years or so that people started feeding dogs commercial foods. It's quite a coincidence that during this time dogs have developed more cancer, heart disease and allergies - just people who also eat processed foods.
Dogs have a short digestive system that is designed to eat raw food. Cooked, commercial dog food takes longer for dogs to digest and often ferments before it is digested
Bacteria is present almost everywhere. It only causes problems when the immune system is stressed. Dogs, and their wild ancestors, have survived eons by eating raw meat. Because they have survived by eating raw meat (sometimes rotting, dead things) it clearly shows that nature has adapted dogs to deal with the bacteria found on their food.
The best food for your dog may vary depending on his individual needs. The basic diet, however, should consist of mostly succulent, raw, meaty bones with the addition of some organ meat, plus a little muscle meat. Some people feel that the addition of vegetables can provide additional nutrition. However because of the design of the dog's teeth and his digestive system he probably won't be able to derive much nutrition from fruits and vegetables.
Yes, dogs can (and have) choked on many things including bones, kibble, tennis balls, sticks, socks, etc.Dogs also break their teeth on bones, therefore, it is best to give them bones of a manageable size, which generally includes poultry, rabbits, and non-weight bearing bones of larger animals.
You should NEVER feed your dog cooked bones or chocolate. Cooking makes bones brittle and dangerous. Sugars, grains and dairy products should also be avoided.